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More about us

Women’s Initiatives Development Trust (Widtrust) is a non-governmental, non-profit making women rights organizations established Somali educated, professional women group in 2019 with extensive experience women circumstances in Somalia.
We invest in empowering women and girls to realize their full potential, worth and strength politically, socially and economically through advocating for their human and social justice rights, empower their economics, improve their leadership and get access basic needs for those with special situations. WidTrust recognizes that the survival of women and their communities is increasingly challenged by economic dependency, illiteracy, gender inequalities & marginalization, HIV/AIDS, Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV), conflict, insensitive laws and policies.

Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision Statements

Our Mission

Women and Girls realize their potential and achieve their basic rigths

Our Vision

Women and Girls realize their potential and achieve their basic rigths

Donations received

Local volunteers

People impacted

Feedback received


Our values


We are open and responsible for our actions and accountable to all our stakeholders


We lead a policy of zero tolerance to corruption, diversion, and misappropriations


We seek high level of performance with a view to achieving greater results


We're dedicated to delivering quality service for women community groups

Integrity & Credibility

Honesty and trustworthiness is our core and fundamental principles


We uphold utmost respect for our female staff, partners and other stakeholders